> P E R S C I N I F Y

The word perSCInify is a portmanteau of the words personify and science. By personify, we mean the re-interpretation of non-humans (such as animals, plants, objects, and even abstract concepts) into human forms. By science, we mean fields such as biology, chemistry, math, physics, engineering, etc.

If you've been online for any significant amount of time, especially in online artist circles, you might have heard the term gijinka (擬人化), which is a Japanese word that means personification or anthropomorphization. Gijinka characters often take on aspects of the thing that they are based off of, and incorporate them into their personality and design.


> P A R T I C I P A T E

Every week on Saturday we will make the prompt for the #perSCInify challenge public on Twitter, Instagram, and Carrd. You then have one week to create your gijinka interpretation of the given prompt and post it!

If you don't know that much about the prompt, get researchin' ! Some of the prompts may be obscure, and to make a good design you'll likely need to delve into a bit of research to get a good idea. Get into the science!

Based on what you've learned about the topic of the prompt, start designing a gijinka / personified character! We embrace artists and non-artists of all skill levels.

Post your finished artwork before the next Saturday, and don't forget to tag it with #perSCInify ! We will share and promote the work of participants!

You're not done yet - don't forget to check out and share others' work! Even if you don't want to participate by drawing for every week, you can still promote other artists' art!


> R U L E S & I N F O
When using the #perSCInify tag, please take the following into consideration:

1. Be considerate
Be mindful while making gijinkas / personifications, and please don't make designs to offend others.

2. No NSFW
This project is for all ages. Please don't post suggestive or NSFW art in the tag. This includes nudity and suggestive content as well as extremely violent content; use discretion.

3. No unsolicited critique
Please be kind to others participating! This means not leaving unsolicited critique on others work.


> O U R _ M I S S I O N

We believe that art and storytelling have untapped value as both educational assets and as science communication tools.

We are are also dedicated to promoting the bridging of the scientific and artistic communities. Art and science should not be theoretically opposed; they inform each other! In short: STEAM, not STEM!

With our project, we hope to promote a message spreading these values by involving artists with science and scientists with art!

The perSCInify project is also committed to diversity + inclusion in both the sciences and the arts! In addition to our goals of uplifting all artists and scientists who wish to share their work with us, we hope to specifically promote the voices and talents of marginalized creators.


05 / 0105 / 08Aquatic Plants
05 / 0805 / 15TBA
05 / 1505 / 22TBA
05 / 2205 / 29TBA
05 / 2906 / 05TBA


SCIENCE (they/them)
A passionate but somewhat ditzy graduate student who is deeply interested in all fields of science. Are they getting a PhD in biology? Chemistry? Physics? Geology? The answer is . . . yes!
Science loves working in both the field and the lab, and even though they look introverted, they will never say no to a good adventure. Though deeply invested in their studies, they're easily distractible and can get sent swept up in random projects on a whim.
When not in the lab or in the field, you can find them taking walks, collaborating with their friends Tech, Ginny, Art, and Math, or participating in citizen science projects!

Science by Mango

TECHNOLOGY (he/they/it)
Technology is an energetic .... robot? Well, no one really knows what they are. Maybe they're an android made by a mad scientist, a robot sent from a hyper-advanced alien civilization or just a guy doing in an elaborate cosplay. Either way, they're here to have fun and vibe.
Tech customizes computers as a hobby and is what one would call a "gamer" and often flexes his league rank to the rest of the STEAM gang even though they don't really care. While they may be a bit infuriating at times, they're generally fun to hang around with and often spend time with the rest of the STEAM gang.

Tehcnology by RUNEGOD

Known affectionately as ‘Ginny’, Engineering is a teen genius that has been tinkering with gizmos ever since she was young. She’s passionate about making things, from small drones to full-fledged Rube Goldberg machines, meticulously ensuring that these items are perfect down to every last detail. However, she can get far too invested in her own projects, sometimes spending hours in her garage, building non-stop without any breaks or sleep.
She reads up on the latest engineering news in her free time, often thinking about what her next invention will be.

Engineering by K

ART (they/she)
Skilled in nearly all forms of visual art, Art is able to find the beauty in most things. Armed with four arms and a giant paintbrush, they are always prepared to create a new piece when the proper inspiration hits.
Her house is filled to the brim with avant-garde sculptures and paintings, many of them made by her own hands. She often tries to find new ways and techniques to apply in her pieces and is constantly striving to improve herself. She's a bit of a perfectionist and is prone to burning herself out because of it.

Art by Kale

MATH (she/her)
An enthusiastic graduate student, Math loves to learn new things and is always up for a challenge. She likes to study novel concepts, and takes great satisfaction in a job well done. She has a dream that one day she'll become a calculus teacher, since helping others understand mathematics makes her happy. Furthermore, she works in a team along with her other perseverant STEAM friends, Sci, Tech, Ginny and Art, to help them pursue study in all manner of fields. In her free time, you might see her work on her passion projects, play around with theorems, or draw geometrical shapes from time to time.

Math by Lusi
